Embracing God’s Call to Love and Serve Others

Pastoral | August 8, 2024 | By: Jessica Neill


We often hear the words “Love God and Love Others” but move past them quickly, not really stopping long enough to think about what they really mean in our lives or what God is inviting us to. What does it truly mean to love God and others, and how can we embody this in our lives? As I’ve pondered and prayed about these questions, my thoughts always return to the joy and fulfillment I’ve found in serving from a very young age.

Shortly after accepting Christ at Vacation Bible School, I was invited to serve in the church when I was just seven years old. In the church where I grew up, this was the next step in discovering how to honor God with the gifts, talents, and passions He had given me. My early years were filled with various forms of service: singing in the children’s choir, serving at women’s ministry events, and playing the piano at a Mother-Daughter tea. Each of these experiences nurtured a deep love for the family of God and the joy of serving together.

One of my dearest memories is washing dishes at age 11 in the church kitchen with my mother and her friends. There was laughter and joy shared in that room intertwined with deep conversations about real-life moments. As a young girl, being in the presence of real women who loved God inspired a lifelong desire to serve. It also taught me that community is where we grow, are challenged in our faith, and find people who will stand with us in the hard moments while pointing us to Jesus.

Over the years, I’ve discovered that service helps us grow in three important ways:

  1. Serving helps you grow in your relationship with the Lord and is a pathway to spiritual growth.

    As you serve, you encounter opportunities to apply biblical teachings in real-life situations. This hands-on experience deepens your understanding of Scripture and strengthens your faith. Additionally, serving alongside other believers fosters accountability and mutual encouragement, which are crucial for spiritual development.

  2. Serving helps you build meaningful relationships and experience community.

    Whether you’re working on a community service project, participating in a worship team, or assisting with church events, you have the chance to connect with others on a deeper level. These relationships often extend beyond the church walls, creating a supportive network that enhances your sense of belonging and community.

  3. Serving gives you a chance to make a tangible difference in people’s lives.

    Whether you’re providing a meal to someone in need, offering a listening ear, or helping organize a church event, your efforts bring the mission of the church to life. This sense of purpose and impact is incredibly rewarding and motivates continued service.

Volunteering in the church isn’t merely a task to check off on our to-do list; it’s a divine invitation to love others as God loves us. When we serve, we participate in God’s work, bringing His love and grace to the world. I love how Psalm 100:2 expresses the invitation, “Serve the Lord with gladness” (Psalm 100:2). Serving flows from our hearts and isn’t just an obligation; it’s an opportunity to express our gratitude and joy in the Lord. Through service, we can show kindness, compassion, and generosity—reflecting God’s love in our communities

When we serve, we participate in God’s work, bringing His love and grace to the world.

I have been serving the Lord now for more than 50 years and I can attest that serving Him has opened countless doors in my life. Serving has been a pathway to building a deeper relationship with God, with a front door to spiritual growth as I have watched the Lord work! Over time I have discovered my spiritual gifts, and I have a better understanding of who He made me to be and how He uniquely calls me to serve! The beautiful thing is that each of us is uniquely designed to serve Him through the gifts He gives us and our individual call.

Serving allows us to:

  1. Love others: It’s a direct way to love our neighbors by extending compassion, assistance, and support to those in need.

  2. Shift our focus from ourselves: Service takes our eyes off our own circumstances and refocuses them on others. This shift can bring perspective, helping us to be grateful for our blessings, and empathize with others’ struggles. During one of my darkest times, my pastor encouraged me to serve others, and it transformed my outlook and brought me healing.

  3. Use our gifts to honor God: God has given us unique gifts and talents not to be buried but to be used for His glory, knowing our ultimate reward comes from Him.

God’s Word underscores the importance of serving, and these Scriptures serve as both encouragement and instruction for how we should approach service.

Colossians 3:23-24: “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.” This verse reminds us that our service is ultimately for God. It’s a call to excellence and dedication, knowing that our efforts are seen and rewarded by Him.

I Peter 4:10-11: “As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace: whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To Him belong glory and dominion forever and ever.” This passage emphasizes the diversity of gifts within the body of Christ and the importance of using them to serve one another. It also highlights that our service should be done through God’s strength and for His glory.

Philippians 2:4: “Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.” This simple yet profound verse calls us to consider others in our daily lives.

Practical Steps to Serving

Understanding the importance of service is one thing; putting it into practice is another. Here are some practical steps to start serving effectively:

  • Identify Your Gifts: Take time to reflect on the unique gifts and talents God has given you. Consider how these can be used to serve others. You can sign up to take a spiritual gifts assessment here.

  • Start Small: You don’t need to wait for a grand opportunity to serve. Start with small roles and gradually take on larger roles as you feel comfortable.

  • Be Consistent: Serving is not a one-time act but a lifestyle. Commit to regular service and make it a part of your routine.

  • Serve with SBC

  • Reach out! My role as Minister of Volunteer Engagement is designed to help you find your place to serve and connect you with the right opportunity! I would love to meet with you and help you find your place!

Serving the Lord with gladness is an invitation to experience the joy and fulfillment that comes from loving others as God loves us. It’s a call to use our gifts for His glory, to build meaningful relationships, and to make a difference in the lives of those around us.

Reflecting on my own journey, I am grateful for the early invitation to serve and the many ways service has shaped my life. Each act of service, whether big or small, has been an opportunity to grow in faith, build community, and experience the joy of being part of God’s work.

Whether you’re teaching, welcoming, organizing, or simply lending a helping hand, every volunteer hour matters. As you consider how you can serve, embrace the call to serve with gladness, and let it transform your life and the lives of those you touch knowing that you are pointing people to Jesus.


Jessica Neill

Minister of Volunteer Engagement

Find your place and get involved! Visit serve at SBC, local outreach, or global outreach to discover all the opportunities available with SBC. You can also connect with Jessica at jneill@scottsdalebible.com for more details.


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