Women’s Ministry
A space for women to connect, grow in faith, love others, and use their God-given gifts.
Our Bible Studies, outreach partnerships, unique programming, retreats, and special events are designed to help women develop deeper relationships with the Lord and each other. We are committed to leadership development and helping women find their unique place at our church. Whatever season you may find yourself in, we have a place for you!
Connect with us at women@scottsdalebible.com or call 480.824.7200 if you have questions about Women’s Ministry.
Kirsten Snarey
Shea Minister to Women & Women’s Ministry Team Lead
Connect With Your Campus
Brooke Hellenstrae
Cactus Minister to Women
Veronica Gatling, EdD
Fountain Hills Minister to Women
Jen Bowman
North Ridge Women's Ministry Director
Kirsten Snarey
Shea Minister to Women & Women’s Ministry Team Lead
Upcoming Events
Support Groups
The Counseling Ministry offers both education and support through various groups led by compassionate lay leaders, many of whom have personal experience with the issues being addressed. Additionally, we have provided links to national organizations that guide individuals to find healing and strength through faith in God.
For details on these resources, please contact our Counseling Ministry Monday through Thursday.