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  • Aim For A Full Life
  • Live By The Power Of God
  • Ministry Mindset
    | 7/30/23

    Ministry Mindset

    2 Corinthians 12:11-21 | Rustin Rossello

    How do we respond when others betray us, disregard us, or question us? Paul faced this with the Corinthian church, and his response was to stay focused on Jesus and to sacrificially love these people in spite of their behavior. This message from Pastor Rustin challenges us to examine how and why we love others, especially those who are hard to love.

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  • The Economy of Humility: The Journey
    | 7/23/23

    The Economy of Humility: The Journey

    2 Corinthians 12:7-10 | Rustin Rossello

    Are we close enough to God that we can trust and praise Him even when we face challenging circumstances, difficult emotions, health issues, failures, and other debilitating “thorns”? In this message, Pastor Rustin Rossello challenges us to look at our weaknesses and difficulties as opportunities to witness God’s power and grace in our lives.

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  • True Aim
    | 6/25/23

    True Aim

    2 Corinthians 11:1-6 | Rustin Rossello

    So many messages compete for our attention that it’s easy to get off track in our faith and led astray. Even sincere Christ followers can be deceived and start agreeing with a counterfeit version of the gospel – one that feels good, meets our needs, and doesn’t require much sacrifice. In this message, Pastor Rustin helps us recognize illusions that masquerade as the truth.
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  • Camouflage Gospel
    | 7/2/23

    Camouflage Gospel

    2 Corinthians 11:7-15 | Kevin Yule

    Are we discerning enough to know falsehood when we see it? Some of the world's messages sound good, but when we look closely, we see that they are a few degrees off. In this sermon, Guest Pastor Kevin Yule shares that in order to identify what is false, we need a solid understanding of what is true.
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  • Strength In Weakness
    | 7/9/23

    Strength In Weakness

    2 Corinthians 11:16-33 | Derek Brandt

    In 2 Corinthians 11:16-33, Paul defends his apostolic authority, compares himself to false teachers, recounts his hardships, and emphasizes his dedication to the gospel despite numerous challenges and sufferings. The concept of "kintsugi," the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery with gold, serves as a metaphor for how Paul's faith and ministry are strengthened through his trials, much like the broken pottery becomes more beautiful and valuable after being mended with gold.

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  • The Economy of Humility: The Heart
    | 7/16/23

    The Economy of Humility: The Heart

    2 Corinthians 12:1-6 | Rustin Russello

    The Apostle Paul had every reason to boast about in his credentials and authority, yet in 2 Corinthians 12, he humbly approached the church with a personal story of how God radically transformed his life. This message from Pastor Rustin Rossello focuses on Paul’s heart of humility and shares how important it is for us, like him, to openly share our stories with safe people who will encourage us on our spiritual journey.

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